TIDAL at The Voice That Is ‘Part II’: a listening experience from Stereotimes

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TIDAL at The Voice That Is ‘Part II’: a listening experience from Stereotimes

Stereotimes wrote about the TIDAL Akira:

"Over many, many years, I’ve had numerous opportunities to hear quite a few different speaker designs including some that were truly outstanding. This includes dynamic speakers, horns, planars, electrostatics, hybrids, other. My recent experience listening to the TIDAL Akira has been like none other and literally caused me to recalibrate my thinking. ....what was my impression of the new Akira speakers?
Truth be told, I was simply stunned by their sound. Or perhaps I should more accurately state – their lack of sound. What I heard was perhaps the least colored sound and stunningly beautiful, pure sound from a loudspeaker (and accompanying system) that I can recall ever having heard.
In fact, the so-called disappearing act was pulled off to the max with sound that came through with such a natural and dynamic way that it was easy to simply close my eyes and drift into audio nirvana. Additionally the sound was relaxed, silky smooth, loaded with intimate details with every little musical nuance being revealed.
There was simply no tension while listening to recorded music - just as it is when listening live. When called for – music also came through the system with as much verve, punch and drive to provide the impression of the real thing.
From my earlier experiences listening to various TIDAL speakers and particularly with this on-site visit, my sense is that the TIDAL Akira speakers excel beyond well beyond my expectations and are about as close to being perfect transducers as I’ve ever heard…..and trust me, I’ve heard plenty."   

Bill Wells, Stereotimes.com
Feel free to read more: The TIDAL experience at 'The Voice That Is'